Ladders, sandbags and Merkins

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs, windmills, hillbilly walk
THE THANG: divided the pax into two 4 men teams, two ladders, plenty of sandbags… loaded up the two ladders with 2×60# sandbags each, picked them up, sat the ladders on shoulders and started walking; a timer will go off every two minutes to remind us to do 10 merkins with rucks on. Pick up and the ladders and go around the soccer field, big loop, every time the buzzer went off (2 minutes) we did 10 merkins, completed one big loop and dropped the sandbags and transformed the ladders on A frames, 1 pax will carry the ladder overhead or on shoulders and go around the small loop while the other 3 pax will toss the 60# sandbag until the ladder comes back around, switch ladder to next pax, each pax had the opportunity to go around twice. The buzzer reminded us of the 10 merkins every 2 minutes.
Opened up the ladders again and this time we loaded them up with 160# each, farmers carry around the small loop, buzzer every two minutes for 10 merkins each time.
Back to the flag
MARY: 100 LBC’s and 5 minutes of stretching and broga
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AMRAP for autism, Manion, Jaeger, Rock Hill anniversary, 4/20 WOD
COT: stays in COT

Tinsel out

TClap |

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